Things that have never been said before

“Our language: hundreds of thousands of available words, frillions of legitimate new ideas, so that I can say the following sentence and be utterly sure that nobody has ever said it before in the history of human communication: “Hold the newsreader’s nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.” Perfectly ordinary words, but never before put in that precise order.”

The above quote was said by Stephen Fry in a sketch from Episode 3, Series 1 of “A Bit Of Fry And Laurie”. To remind myself that I am capable of thinking things that have never been thought before, here are some new sentences:

  • There are dishes to be washed, Queen Elizabeth.
  • Hi, I’m calling to inquire whether the Pope is available to host my daughters fifth birthday party?
  • I’m a fan of shoplifting, vandalism and the law.
  • I came to the club tonight to be dehumanised!
  • The Transformers movies will be studied and beloved by students for generations to come.